Members News from the Western Isles Yacht Club
This year’s AGM was held at the Western Isles Hotel on 27th January. The highlights included reports on successful grant applications for a new safety boat. New faces on the committee include Will Thorne, Neil Hutton, and Steve Dench. Will and Neil both have particular interests in the Cadet section of the club. Carol Finch retired as Hon. Sec. and was thanked for her efforts of the past few years, including raising the funds for the new safety boat. Although retiring from the committee, Carol will continue working on the grant applications currently under way, which we hope will result in a new shed. Pat Sands continues as Treasurer and reported on the financial state of the club which is satisfactory. Income from subs is covering the insurance and repairs to boats and there is a small reserve. New sails were purchased for the Toppers. Harley Ware represented Junior members.
The full committee are : Will Thorne (Commodore), Neil Hutton (Honorary Secretary), Pat Sands (Treasurer), John Addy (Vice Commodore), Adam Wilson, Neil MacInnes, Caroline MacInnes, Phil Siddall and Lillian Mitchell-Stephen. There are further vacancies on the committee; if any members would like to volunteer, please let us know.
Membership renewals
To reduce the administration burden on the committee, membership renewals will this year be offered online, allowing payment by direct debit. Those members with Standing Orders may wish to change to Direct Debit to further reduce administration.
Those who wish to renew the same way as they did last year may do so without going online.
As part of the online renewal, members will have the option to subscribe to one or more mailing lists, according to their interests (e.g. keel boats, cadets, rowing, etc.). In this way, we hope to keep members better informed of events and activities throughout the year, as well as meet new obligations under Data Protection rules.
Look out for an email in the coming days with further details.
Keel Boats
The committee position of Rear Commodore (responsible for organising keel boat events) is vacant. If any member would like to step forward to manage this section of the club, they should approach any committee member.
Ulva Ferry Pontoons
The Ulva Ferry Pontoons (N 56º 28.893’, W 6º 8.982’) are looking for funding to get a shore facilities building built. They need people to respond to their survey so they can demonstrate that there will be demand for better facilities for sailors at Ulva Ferry. There are currently pontoons with 8 berths, diesel, water and hookups. There are various proposals, the core of which will be changing rooms with toilets, hot showers and a laundry. Let them know if you think this is a good idea or not, and what other facilities you think could be useful for water users at Ulva Ferry.
Feedback from potential users is essential if this is either going happen, or if you don’t want it to happen. So, whatever your views, please fill in the survey at to let them know what you think should be done. Also, please pass on the link to anyone who might be interested.
Member News
Congratulations to WIYC members Kathy and Jeremy Spencer (‘Sal Darago’, currently in Mexico) for winning the Westerly Owners Association Rayner Challenge Plate for a record third time for their trip from the UK to San Francisco, completed in June 2017.