Pay your subscription through webcollect
Subscription rates are once again unchanged from last year.
If you already pay your subscription via a bank standing order, please email the secretary stating your name and/or payment reference and the date on which your standing order is paid.
In all other cases, please visit our new subscription web page. Act as if you are a new member : click on “Join Here”, choose a membership level and enter your details. You can pay by Direct Debit or Bank Transfer.
By offering online subscriptions, we hope to reduce the amount of admin work required by your volunteer committee, as well as improve our communication with you.
Your subscription is used by the club to pay for insurance and maintenance of our boats and associated equipment (both rowing skiffs, the cadet dinghies and safety boat, radios, etc.).
If you have any queries about this process, or are unsure of your current membership status, please don’t hesitate to ask for help.